3 Ways To Keep Your Commercial HVAC System Working Effectively

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A commercial HVAC system is essential to keep large buildings comfortable to work in. Commercial HVAC systems can be expensive to install, run, and replace, which is why you want to make sure you are taking the right steps to keep the system working as effectively as possible.

1. Ensure Proper Ventilation

When running a commercial HVAC system, it is just as important to pump in cool or warm air into your building as it is to allow the air out of your building. Many commercial buildings don't have lots of windows that open and thus don't have a lot of built-in ventilation. You need ventilation so that contaminants, such as dust, can leave the building.

If you don't have a lot of windows, you can add ventilators into your HVAC unit that will help circulate the air in your building. Ventilators will pull in new outside air and pull out old air, which can help you avoid your building feeling stuffy.

2. Control Humidity

Having an HVAC system is not enough; with a commercial building, you also want to control the building's humidity. The humidity level in your building will play a large role in how comfortable the space is. Humidity can affect both the comfort and health of your employees and your customers.

You can add a whole-building humidifier and dehumidifier to your building and integrate them with your commercial HVAC system. Being able to control the humidity in the building will help increase your HVAC system's overall effectiveness.

3. Inspect the Ductwork

When it comes to a commercial HVAC system, often the importance of the ductwork is overlooked. Leaks can significantly decrease your HVAC system's overall effectiveness and put additional strain on the components. Leaky ductwork can also cost you a lot of money when it comes to heating and cooling costs. That is why you should have all your ductwork inspected at least once or twice a year, as damaged ductwork is costly.

When it comes to taking care of your commercial HVAC system, make sure your building has proper ventilation, and if it doesn't, add it through your HVAC system. Install a whole-building humidifier and dehumidifier will help increase the effectiveness of your HVAC system. Be sure to get the ductwork inspected at least once a year, as damaged ductwork can be costly. Your commercial HVAC provider can help you install proper ventilation and humidity systems, and inspect your ductwork. For more information, contact a commercial HVAC installation service. 
